Lip Blush
Dark Lip Neutralization

Lip Blush, also called Aquarelle Lip, Candy Lip is now the eyebrow's BEST FRIEND
A semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo performed with a digital machine to implant pigment into lips. The technique and colour choice creates a natural soft blush appearance, adds fullness, definition and corrects asymmetry. It is becoming a very popular procedure, an effective way for naturally pale lips to give a dramatic new appearance. There are many choices in pigment colours to match all lip shades, lip scars could also be camouflaged.
A touch up at 8 weeks is recommended
Refer to PRE/POST CARE to see if you are a candidate.
Make sure to also read FAQ
3.5 hours
A deposit of $100 is required for booking and will be deducted from the final price

"Melanin Rich Lips" are genetic and is actually a common and harmless that many people have. If you are olive-toned or are more tan/dark-skinned, the higher amount of melanin in your skin the darker your lips can be.
"Lip Hyperpigmentation" is a result of trauma, some diseases, exposure to UV, chemicals and even smoking. Hyperpigmentation on the edge of the upper lip area and commissure (corner of mouth) can be more noticeable. Different heritages may be predisposed to hyperpigmentation as well.
If you ever dreamed of having the perfect lips this is for you.
Performed with a digital machine to implant pigment into lips, the technique and colour applied neutralizes the dark colour appearance. It is becoming a very popular procedure.
Keep in mind in order to neutralize the lips, your lips will be reddish/orangish right after the treatment, don't panic it is normal it will heal to a beautiful nude, pink/peachy colour. You may require more then 2 treatments.
When lips are neutralized then we can then implant a colour of your choice.
A touch up between at 8 weeks is recommended
Refer to PRE/POST CARE to see if you are a candidate.
Make sure you also read FAQ
3.5 hours
A deposit of $100 is required for booking and will be deducted from the final price